Live Wildly Team Challenge Swim Event


Live Wildly Challenge Swim

Event Description:

4 Miles Swim (1/4 Mile Swim - 16 Laps)

Event Day & Time

Oct 19, 2024 (Saturday) at 7:00AM

Event Location:

Archibald Park - 15100 Gulf Blvd Madeira Beach, FL 33708****
Race Info

Live Wildly Solo Challenge Swim Event*

  • Total distance for the challenge is 3 miles
  • Each participant will swim 16 laps consisting of a 1/4 mile distance
  • Solo swimmers we got 3 miles just waiting for you! Participation is only $75.00

The top 3 Solo swimmers that complete the 5 miles swim will receive

  • $75 prize award for 1st
  • $50 prize award for 2nd
  • $25 prize award for 3rd
    • Each Solo swimmer will also receive a participation award.


  • Neoprene (wet-suits) are not permitted during the swim unless water temperature is 70 or less to qualify for the price money.

Live Wildly Team Challenge Swim Event**

  • Event will take place on October 20, 2024
  • Each team must have a minimum of 4 participants
  • Maximum of 8 participants
  • Total distance for the challenge is 4 miles
  • Each participant will swim a 1/4 mile distance at the time***
  • Participation is only $200 per Team, so get your team ready!

The top 3 teams that complete the 4 miles swim will receive

  • $500 prize award for 1st
  • $300 prize award for 2nd
  • $150 prize award for 3rd
    • Each team will also receive a participation plaque showcasing a wild animal that our sponsor Live Wildly has help through the years.


  • Each athlete that belongs to a team must participate in the swim race, a swimmer cannot swim a double distance at once.
  • Neoprene (wet-suits) are not permitted during the swim unless water temperature is 70 or less to qualify for the price money.


How to register?

  • Solo Swimmer follow instructions below*

  • Team Captain follow instructions below**

  • Team Swimmers follow instructions below***


*Solo Swimmers need to know:

  1. “If you are a Solo Live Wildly Swimmer…” Click On the Blue link below!
  2. Complete your registration, sign personal waiver(s) and pay entry fee



**Captain need to know:

  1. First Pick a Team Captain (Must be at least 18 years old)
  2. Second Pick a Team Name
  3. Gather swimmer’s full name and email before stating registration
  4. Start registration (will need team name amount of swimmers)
  5. Complete your personal information, sign personal waiver(s)
  6. Provide name and email for each team member
  7. Pay your Team’s $200 entry fee
  8. ***See bellow laps required per swimmer based on Team participants
  • Teams of 4
    • 4 swimmers to swim 4 laps each
  • Teams of 5
    • 4 swimmer to swim 3 laps each
    • 1 swimmer to swim 4 laps
  • Teams of 6
    • 4 swimmers to swim 3 laps each
    • 2 swimmers to swim 2 laps each
  • Teams of 7
    • 5 swimmers to swim 2 laps each
    • 2 swimmer to swim 3 laps each
  • Teams of 8
    • 8 swimmers to swim 2 laps each

Important! Each athlete that belongs to a team must participate in the swim race, a swimmer cannot swim a double distance at once.

***Team Swimmers need to know:

  1. Each swimmer in the team will get email with instructions including link
  2. Team Name and Swimmer’s number that is included in your email is required to register
  3. Click on link and complete your personal information, sign personal waiver(s)



  • 7:00 CHECK IN
  • 8:00 RACE STARTS
****All Activities and location 
are subject to change.
Race Course

5 Miles Total Swim (1/4 Mile Swim = 20 Laps)
